Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello once again after several months. I have to admit, this time I had a few opportunities to do a blog entry and failed. However, I recently acquired an internet key and my own computer which will allow me to use the internet at site and make more frequent blog updates. Summing up the last several months is a pretty daunting task so I'm going to break it up into several posts:

Christmas Break
New School
Half Marathon

I'm in Conakry once again, doing errands, working on projects, running races, and attending late night dance parties. The school year is flying by and it seems like it will be summer in no time. Spring break first I guess. I've heard there is an abundance of snow back home. I'm sure it's a pain but I really miss it. Guinea is in the middle of the dry season right now and it gets pretty stinkin hot. Speaking of hot, I recently got a new roof on my hut. I could explain how I jumped from hot weather to my new roof but it might take a while so I'll just show you a picture of my new roof being attached instead.

The US ambassador came to visit Telimele and we hung out with him for a day or two and then biked down to my village together where he visited my school and spoke to my students which was a lot of fun. He also brought us poptarts and chips and salsa.

I am completely addicted to eating peanut butter and bananas now. This is usually what I do after getting home from school. I'm sure I've already ranted and raved about the peanut butter here but it really is tasty. Especially after you realize how much healthier it probably is without all the silly things they put in it in America. It's probably the best thing you'll ever eat actually (after living in a Guinean village for over a year).

Because we don't have a ton of time left here in Guinea, I've started thinking more about what I want to do after Peace Corps. First on the agenda is getting home. Turns out there is more than one way to get back to Canton, OH. Two ways actually. You can get in plane in Conakry and be home in less than 36 hours or you can go on an adventure. If you tell Peace Corps you want to go on an adventure, they give you the money that would have bought you a plane ticket from Conakry and you can use that to buy a motorcycle which you can ride up the coast of West Africa, across the Sahara, and into Morocco where you can sell it and buy a bicycle which you can then ride up through Spain, into France, all the way to Paris. Then you can get in a plane and go back to Canton, OH.



  1. I think your adventure should include a trip to Zambia to visit me :)

  2. Hi Ben, I'd really like to talk to you about your stay in Guinea and esp the current EVD outbreak. I'm struggling to find on the ground sources and I can't seem to find your email or facebook. Anyways I'd very much appreciate a short email to . thanks Ben
